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New Flagship Baltprep improves Red Cross interoperability across BSR

On February 5th 2020, during their meeting in Riga, the EUSBSR National Coordinators decided to grant the status of EUSBSR Flagship under PA Secure to Baltprep project. Funded by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, the project gathers Red Cross National Societies from Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Denmark to strengthen collaboration and…

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New project: ReSit – Situational Picture of Volunteerism for Societal Resilience in the Baltic Sea Region

To ensure that society is as resilient as possible in natural and man-made disasters, authorities cannot function on their own. Active civil society organizations (CSOs) and skilled volunteers are needed to support authorities in their actions as volunteers play a significant and a vital role in helping to ensure their local communities are safe and…

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Developing closer cooperation between higher education institutions and end-users in the field of societal security in the BSR

The CBSS vision for improvements in connecting research and practitioners - the Research Roadmap for Societal Security - was presented during the 17th Meeting of Directors General for Civil Protection in the BSR, in May 2019. It received the Directors’ support to move forward with concrete initiatives in this area. One response to this is…

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Baltic Excellence Programme in Denmark: climate change and volunteerism in focus

During 2019-2020, the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) acts as the chair of the CBSS Civil Protection Network . The Danish chairmanship priorities for this period include climate change and volunteerism. With these priorities in mind, DEMA hosted a module of the Baltic Excellence Programme (BEP) in Civil Security at its training facility in…

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