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PA Secure at 12th Baltic Excellence Programme in Helsinki

The CBSS Civil Protection Network's 12th Baltic Excellence Programme (BEP) in Helsinki brought together 40 civil protection experts from 8 countries across the region to delve into topics of preparedness, civil protection, and comprehensive security. Hosted by the Ministry of the Interior of Finland under the current Finnish presidency of the CBSS, the 12th Baltic Excellence Programme (BEP)…

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16th Meeting of Directors General for the Civil Protection in BSR: advancing together  implementation of the Joint Position and the Sendai Framework

On 7 May 2018, the 16th meeting of the Directors General for Civil Protection in the Baltic Sea Region gathered in Stockholm. The meeting, attended by the representatives of 9 CBSS countries, was organised by the Swedish Presidency and chaired by Dan Eliasson, Director General of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). Opening the meeting,…

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