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PA Secure and HA Climate colleagues interview on CASCADE project for #DRRDay

Valdur Lahtvee and Katie Goldie-Ryder, both working at the CBSS Secretariat in Stockholm, reflect on the synergies between climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and on their tasks in the CASCADE project: VL:  CBSS is the sole coordinator of the Horizontal Action Climate of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) and at the same time…

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Experts discussed risks and potential of digitalisation in ports and at sea

On 28 September 2020, together with the colleagues from PA Safe and PA Ship, PA Secure organised a workshop on digitalisation within the EUSBSR Annual Forum 2020. Digitalisation is a driver of innovation and sustainability across all sectors, it effectively addresses many of the global challenges that citizens and businesses face today. Digitalisation also affects…

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CBSS kicks off new project to institutionalise societal security education

The   project kick-off for  Needs-based Education and Studies in Societal Security  (NEEDS) was held  online  on 22 nd  and 24 th  September 2020.  Janusz  Gąciarz , Senior Adviser for Civil Security  at CBSS  welcomed the meeting participants and  explained the  historical development as well as the  rationale  of  the NEEDS project.      The…

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New CBSS-led project explores the role of children and youth in BSR resilience

The ChYResilience Project –  Th e  role of children and youth in building a resilient society , started 1 September 2020.  ChYResilience  aims to empower children and youth to play an active role as contributors to  societal  resilience and to remove barriers to their active involvement in prevention,  preparedness , response, and recovery.   The…

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Baltic-Nordic Preparatory Teleconference Ahead of the Wildfire Season

Еhe forest fire season is already here, there are several reported grass and wildfires across northern Europe. Forecasts indicate challenging conditions and the ongoing Covid-19 crises puts further pressure on our respective response systems. On April 21, 2020, Sweden (through MSB) organized the second Baltic-Nordic annual meeting to inform each other on the preparedness for…

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