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Secure Kids: mechanism for child participation in disaster risk reduction activities

This mechanism has been developed within the Secure Kids project. A family brought their children to hep with carrying sand bags in the flood? Local youth fire brigade would be a great help in spreading fire safety messages during dry summer? How to involve them in the most effective and safe way? If you are…

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Are you ready to be self-sufficient for a week in case of a crisis? Estonian seminar on public awareness has the answers.

A few years ago, the most common advice for citizens regarding preparedness was: plan to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. In an emergency, government assistance may be prioritized for those in greater need. Households able to sustain themselves without electricity or water for three days would help reduce the pressure on government agencies.…

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Secure Kids Releases Overview on Youth Involvement in Disaster Risk Reduction in the BSR

The CBSS-coordinated Secure Kids project has produced the mapping report titled "Existing mechanisms and processes for child and youth participation in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden". The purpose of the mapping was  to offer an up-todate overview of mechanisms and practices that exist in the Baltic Sea Region to…

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Victims, helpers or partners? Children and youth as contributors to resilient Baltic Sea Region

During the EUSBSR 12th Annual Forum, on 29 September 2021, Policy Area Secure (PA Secure), coordinated by the CBSS Secretariat together with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) organised an online seminar dedicated to strengthening children and youth’s resilience in disasters. Children and youth’s vulnerability in disasters is expected to increase as the intensity and…

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New report in the NEEDS project: Societal Security as Higher Education in the Baltic Sea Region

The ‘Needs-based education and studies in Societal Security’ (NEEDS) project addresses the skills gap and mismatch between higher education and the knowledge needs in this field, as well as the fact that there is a lack of structured transnational cooperation and dialogue between higher education institutions, practitioners, and experts in tackling these issues. This report…

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ChYResilience – How do our partners work with youth participation and resilience building?

The ChYResilience project aims to empower children and youth to play an active role as contributors to societal resilience and to remove barriers to their active involvement in prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.  This means that children and youth should be enabled and be provided with the space needed to play this role. The project focuses…

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New CBSS-led project explores the role of children and youth in BSR resilience

The ChYResilience Project –  Th e  role of children and youth in building a resilient society , started 1 September 2020.  ChYResilience  aims to empower children and youth to play an active role as contributors to  societal  resilience and to remove barriers to their active involvement in prevention,  preparedness , response, and recovery.   The…

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