Еhe forest fire season is already here, there are several reported grass and wildfires across northern Europe. Forecasts indicate challenging conditions and the ongoing Covid-19 crises puts further pressure on our respective response systems. On April 21, 2020, Sweden (through MSB) organized the second Baltic-Nordic annual meeting to inform each other on the preparedness for the wildfire season 2020. The European Commission took part in the meeting.
Short summary: the preparedness in northern Europe has improved the latest years, extensive information campaigns to the public and bans on open fires are ongoing. The European Civil Protection Mechanism and rescEU capacities in Sweden will contribute to strengthened regional preparedness together with rescEU transition capacities in southern Europe. But the Covid-19 situation may affect the availability of critical staff, training, border crossings and supply chain.
The meeting conclusions will feed into the European event “Preparing for the 2020 Forest and Wildfire Season” on 14th of May 2020.