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NEEDS project concludes with innovative societal security course

The NEEDS project consortium has successfully wrapped up its three-year collaboration and project work on 31 August 2023, ending with the launch of an innovative online course on societal security and an online community dedicated to institutionalising societal security education. The aim of the NEEDS project was to bolster the quality, scope, and attractiveness of…

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Strengthening links between Danube and Baltic macro-regions: volunteerism in focus

PA Secure already had an experience working together with colleagues from EUSDR, EUSAIR and EUSALP already in 2018 - when all four macro-regional strategies contributed to a session at the EU Civil Protection Forum in Brussels. The session was called Transnational cooperation for effective disaster risk management and focused mostly on environmental risks. In February…

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PA Secure Steering Group met in Hamburg for 18th time: dumped munitions and crisis communication in focus

On 15-16 December 2022 the Policy Area Secure Steering Group met in Hamburg, hosted by the Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service. Except the usual exchange of latest activities, discussion on progress of Joint Position implementation, the participants from 9 countries received two in-depth briefings by experts: on dumped munitions in the Baltic Sea and on…

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17th PA Secure Steering Group meeting

On 1 June 2022 the Policy Area Secure Steering Group met physically for the first time since 2019. The meeting, hosted by the Norwegian DSB in Oslo included participants from eight Member States in the region. The members expressed the need to go deeper into certain civil security issues in the next Steering Group meetings in order to maximise the…

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CBSS CPN Senior Experts reaffirmed interest in BSR cooperation, confirmed synergies with PA Secure

The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB), current chair of the CBSS Civil Protection Network, hosted a meeting for CPN Senior Experts on 5-6 April 2022 in Tønsberg, home to DSB headquarters.  14 participants from 7 countries attended the meeting, which was the first physical gathering of the network after the pause caused by the pandemic.…

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