We are proud to announce that the flagship From Gaps to Caps has launched its own website. The page gives an overview of the people and organisations involved, shows the project timeline and serves as a platform for updates and publications. Over the last year, the Communications team of the CBSS, who is leading task B…
The From Gaps to Caps Team reunited in Riga at the end of May for seminars on Task C & D.
The task leaders, Björn Karlsson from the University of Iceland and Jürgen Krempin from the Fire & Rescue Department Hamburg, guided the partners through the results achieved so far and the next steps ahead.…
"Sometimes the smallest idea is the most useful"
about international cooperation?
"We have a saying in Estonian, 'to get stuck in a “frog’s pond', meaning if you only swim back and forth in the same small pond - you cannot really learn from that. So if you spend too much time in Estonia with your problems,…
"We like having guidelines, but we prefer having non-binding guidelines"
international cooperation?
"For me personally, in my job international cooperation means almost everything - because it is what I do on a daily basis. But also, I think that most countries in this group are small countries,…
"Looking back helps us to look into the future"
about international cooperation?
"I have been participating in different EU- and NATO courses. They have given me a lot of contacts, which I have used to improve our systems. The Estonian system is quite new actually, and that is why we have tried to use…
"International cooperation is now more substantive. I think this is really going forward and it should."
about international cooperation?
"Our challenges are structural but also cultural, I think that people are having national minds and in that sense international cooperation is not as established in civil protection as it is in other areas. The EU cooperation in…
"It is good to get out of the daily routine, to take a step back and see the bigger picture"
about the programme?
"It is an important possibility to meet other people from around the Baltic Sea Region and to exchange ideas and experiences. Networking is good and to have a face to countries we are working with - for me…
"We need to raise awareness in the community"
international cooperation
"In my role I am responsible for all phases in disaster management, prevention, preparedness and recovery, so the exchange with other countries helps me: if something works in a neighbor country, we do not have to reinvent the wheel. You can get inspiration from other knowledge or structures."
The first meeting with all project partners of the EUSBSR flagship project From Gaps to Caps took place in the last week of March in Iceland, Reykjavik.
The two days spent in Iceland's stunning winter surroundings were dedicated to setting the tone for the two year project. All task leaders and their respective teams presented their…
We are proud to announce that in January 2015 the project Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR, in brief: FROM GAPS TO CAPS started as a follow-up project of 14.3. Under the coordination of the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (TASK A Leader), FROM…