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PA Secure at 12th Baltic Excellence Programme in Helsinki

The CBSS Civil Protection Network's 12th Baltic Excellence Programme (BEP) in Helsinki brought together 40 civil protection experts from 8 countries across the region to delve into topics of preparedness, civil protection, and comprehensive security. Hosted by the Ministry of the Interior of Finland under the current Finnish presidency of the CBSS, the 12th Baltic Excellence Programme (BEP)…

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NEEDS project concludes with innovative societal security course

The NEEDS project consortium has successfully wrapped up its three-year collaboration and project work on 31 August 2023, ending with the launch of an innovative online course on societal security and an online community dedicated to institutionalising societal security education. The aim of the NEEDS project was to bolster the quality, scope, and attractiveness of…

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Baltic Leadership Programme: Improving management skills and strategic thinking to build our region’s resilience

On 27-30 November 2017, representatives of all eleven CBSS member states, gathered in Sigtuna (Sweden), to take part in the Baltic Leadership Programme in Civil Security. All 25 participants of the Programme have been nominated by their respective civil protection and law enforcement organisations, because of their leadership potential. This year, the course has been focused…

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HACs and PACs discussed needs for capacity building

How to better coordinate the work of different EUSBSR priority areas and horizontal actions? Coordinators (HACs and PACs), invited to Stockholm by HA Capacity and the Swedish Institute, discussed common issues and needs for capacity building in 2017. Participants exchanged ideas about funding, facilitation of projects, cross-sectoral cooperation and communication, and suggested possible topics for…

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