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Strengthening links between Danube and Baltic macro-regions: volunteerism in focus

PA Secure already had an experience working together with colleagues from EUSDR, EUSAIR and EUSALP already in 2018 - when all four macro-regional strategies contributed to a session at the EU Civil Protection Forum in Brussels. The session was called Transnational cooperation for effective disaster risk management and focused mostly on environmental risks. In February…

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Victims, helpers or partners? Children and youth as contributors to resilient Baltic Sea Region

During the EUSBSR 12th Annual Forum, on 29 September 2021, Policy Area Secure (PA Secure), coordinated by the CBSS Secretariat together with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) organised an online seminar dedicated to strengthening children and youth’s resilience in disasters. Children and youth’s vulnerability in disasters is expected to increase as the intensity and…

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Workshop addresses security risks related to climate change

On 12 October 2020, the CBSS Secretariat (PA Secure and HA Climate) and the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) Sustainable City Commission co-organised an online workshop within the EUSBSR 11th Annual Forum: Reducing security risks related to the climate change and mainstreaming climate agenda in EUSBSR after 2020. There are several current climate change-related security…

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Showcasing the benefits of cooperation in responding to accidents in seaports: 9th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

Two ships collide in a European port causing a barrel with unknown, potentially dangerous chemicals to fall aboard. A Border Guard Patrol vessel arrives to investigate the situation. Specially equipped divers are needed to recover the barrel safely and the neighbouring country’s authorities are contacted for assistance. A vessel from the neighbouring country’s coast guard…

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European cooperation in action: Live demonstration of a rescue operation exercise in Tallinn’s harbour

Two ships collide in a European port causing a barrel with unknown, potentially dangerous chemicals to fall aboard. A Border Guard Patrol vessel arrives to investigate the situation. Specially equipped divers are needed to recover the barrel safely and the neighbouring country’s authorities are contacted for assistance. A vessel from the neighbouring country’s coast guard…

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