During the first week of December 2014, the Swedish Institute – in collaboration with the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) - invited 25 high-level professionals from the field of Civil Protection to the Baltic Leadership Programme in Civil Protection for Future Decision Makers in Tallinn.
The participants, representing all CBSS Member States, spent four…
Ulrika Postgärd , Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency MSB
Sonja Dobo, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency MSB
Sonja and Ulrika were participants from Sweden, working at the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency MSB. Their fields of work, however, are quite different. Sonja is a marine eco – toxicologist who coordinates the work with oil spill preparedness and works…
Jurijus Targonskas (Right) - State Fire and Rescue Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
Jurijus works at the Lithuanian State Fire and Rescue Service under the Ministry of the Interior where he leads a department and is responsible for civil protection in Lithuania, including legislation, monitoring, supervision and…
Neringa Brogaitė - Karvelienė, State Fire and Rescue Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
Neringa’s expierence of the Baltic Leadership Programme was that it allows a participant to relate all the fields of their work to it – current daily work, the work they will do in the…
Looking back retrospectively to his own expectations, when signing up for the Baltic Leadership Programme Jevgenijs Golovcuks from the Latvian State Fire and Rescue Service says he hoped for a good networking opportunity with participants from all countries of the region, which would include setting some kind of common rules for cooperation in the region. Seeing…
“Before participating in the programme I wanted to really see what kind of common ideas would there be with all the country representatives and what themes we could take forward after this. I found it particularly interesting to see that there is a great interest in developing this network and cooperation within the Baltic Sea…
Dariusz is 27 and works at the National Headquarters of State Fire Service of Poland, dealing with Civil Protection Policy at the international cooperation department. One of the main portfolios he is dealing with includes issues related to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.
The question that Dariusz had after having read the invitation to participate…
Jürgen (54) is the Head of International Cooperation at Hamburg Fire Service Academy, which he joined after having worked in the department for disaster management at the city of Hamburg, where he was responsible for flood protection. After having read the introduction of the Baltic Leadership Programme, Jürgen was convinced immediately of the added value…
BaltPrevResilience is created as a response to the multiple everyday accidents that occur in the Baltic Sea Region. The project aims to prevent such accidents and reduce their impacts by improving the prerequisites for collection and analysis of impact and response data at the local level. The project will do so by introducing a process…
What is the Baltic Leadership Programme?
The goal of the Baltic Leadership Programme is to form a network of key civil protection actors in the Baltic Sea region and equip them with the tools and information needed to manage cross-border collaboration and projects between diverse organisations in an intercultural context.
The programme was initiated…