On 1 June 2022 the Policy Area Secure Steering Group met physically for the first time since 2019. The meeting, hosted by the Norwegian DSB in Oslo included participants from eight Member States in the region. The members expressed the need to go deeper into certain civil security issues in the next Steering Group meetings in order to maximise the…
16 November 2021, Stockholm: Policy Area Secure met again, this time - in a hybrid form with coordinators present in person at the CBSS Secretariat premises and the rest of the group taking part online. Issues in the agenda: updates from DG Regio by Mr. Koistinen, traditional roundtable on the implementation of the Joint Position,…
The CBSS Civil Protection Network Senior Experts Meeting was held on 20-21 of February 2018 in Stockholm.
The meeting was opened by Ambassador Hans Olsson, Chairman of the Committee of Senior Officials of the CBSS during the Swedish Presidency. Welcoming the experts, the CBSS Secretariat’s Director General, Ambassador Maira Mora emphasised that the shared geography of…
The Directors General for the Civil Protection in the Baltic Sea Region held their 15th meeting, which took place in Iceland on 11 May 2017. The meeting, chaired by Hjálmar Björgvinsson, Superintendent at the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police, resulted in an adoption of a historic Joint Position on Enhancing Cooperation in Civil Protection…