On 1 June 2022 the Policy Area Secure Steering Group met physically for the first time since 2019. The meeting, hosted by the Norwegian DSB in Oslo included participants from eight Member States in the region. The members expressed the need to go deeper into certain civil security issues in the next Steering Group meetings in order to maximise the…
16 November 2021, Stockholm: Policy Area Secure met again, this time - in a hybrid form with coordinators present in person at the CBSS Secretariat premises and the rest of the group taking part online. Issues in the agenda: updates from DG Regio by Mr. Koistinen, traditional roundtable on the implementation of the Joint Position,…
During the PA Secure Steering Group 15th meeting, the Finnish Ministry of Interior presented a new initiative, aimed at organising the international cooperation within the PA Secure into separate, focused streams. These streams called sub-groups could provide platforms where the experts, working directly within each of the priorities of the Joint Position on Enhancing Cooperation in Civil Protection…
On 4th May 2021, the Steering Group of PA Secure gathered for its 15th meeting, which, due to the pandemic, was held online. Participants from 9 Baltic Sea Region countries were present at the meeting. The representative from the European Commission, Mr. Petri Koistinen (DG Regio) addressed the meeting with a presentation about the status of the…
On 3 February 2021 the Policy Area Secure Steering Group met in an interactive session , held online . The meeting included participants from seven Member States in the region , in addition to the CBSS Secretariat who chaired the meeting. The aim of the session was to facilitate the everyday work within international cooperation…
On 5 November 2020 , the Policy Area Secure Steering Group met for the 14 th tim e , in an online format. Despite not being able to meet in person, the meeting included 20 participants, from eight of the Member States in the region and the Union of the Baltic Cities…
On 12 October 2020, the CBSS Secretariat (PA Secure and HA Climate) and the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) Sustainable City Commission co-organised an online workshop within the EUSBSR 11th Annual Forum: Reducing security risks related to the climate change and mainstreaming climate agenda in EUSBSR after 2020.
There are several current climate change-related security…
On 28 September 2020, together with the colleagues from PA Safe and PA Ship, PA Secure organised a workshop on digitalisation within the EUSBSR Annual Forum 2020. Digitalisation is a driver of innovation and sustainability across all sectors, it effectively addresses many of the global challenges that citizens and businesses face today. Digitalisation also affects…
The Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat commissioned a report “ An Evaluation of the Development and Effectiveness of Policy Area Secure 2013-2019 ” in order to assess the overall achievements throughout the entire PA Secure 2013 - 2020 period, and to work out the premise for formulating recommendations for the operation of…
On 2 April 2020 via videoconference the Policy Area Secure Steering Group met for the 1 3 th time . Despite these chaotic and unpredictable times, the meeting included representatives from eight Member States form the region, as well as the Union of the Baltic Cities (Safe Cities Commission) .
This was the…