The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB), current chair of the CBSS Civil Protection Network, hosted a meeting for CPN Senior Experts on 5-6 April 2022 in Tønsberg, home to DSB headquarters.
14 participants from 7 countries attended the meeting, which was the first physical gathering of the network after the pause caused by the pandemic.…
On February 21-22, 2019 the Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia, current chair of the CBSS Civil Protection Network, hosted a meeting of the CPN Senior Experts in Riga. 18 experts representing 9 countries in the Baltic Sea Region and the CBSS Secretariat delegation spent two days discussing challenges and successes in the implementation of…
The CBSS Civil Protection Network Senior Experts Meeting was held on 20-21 of February 2018 in Stockholm.
The meeting was opened by Ambassador Hans Olsson, Chairman of the Committee of Senior Officials of the CBSS during the Swedish Presidency. Welcoming the experts, the CBSS Secretariat’s Director General, Ambassador Maira Mora emphasised that the shared geography of…