In preparation for our session "Transnational cooperation for effective disaster risk management" at the European Civil Protection Forum 2018 we asked one of the panelists, Professor Angelo Masi: How can prevention be scaled-up through international knowledge exchange?
Professor Masi: "Knowledge-sharing is fundamental in scaling-up prevention.
I state that not only because I am a researcher, that is a person…

The CBSS Civil Protection Network Senior Experts Meeting was held on 20-21 of February 2018 in Stockholm.
The meeting was opened by Ambassador Hans Olsson, Chairman of the Committee of Senior Officials of the CBSS during the Swedish Presidency. Welcoming the experts, the CBSS Secretariat’s Director General, Ambassador Maira Mora emphasised that the shared geography of…

Poland (SGSP – the Main School of Fire Service – coordinator and KG PSP – the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service) is looking for partners to participate in the Interactive Map
of the Civil Protection Stakeholders project.
The initiative is aimed at fostering networking between the civil protection authorities, academia, R&D centres and other relevant…

This paper was commissioned by PA Secure, and authored by Professor Jerzy Wolanin from Main School of Fire Service, Warsaw, with contributions and editing provided by the PA Secure Team at the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Secretariat.
The paper presents a comprehensive set of recommendations regarding the implementation of a common societal security…
Interview with Professor Bengt Sundelius, Strategic Adviser to the Director General of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
CBSS Civil Security team met with Professor Sundelius to discuss the need for international cooperation in the field of civil protection, the examples of such cooperation and the future challenges for the Baltic Sea Region.
Bengt Sundelius is Professor…

CBSS Secretariat's Civil Protection team participated in a kick-off meeting of the new project, FIRE-IN, set to improve national and European fire and rescue capability development. FIRE-IN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme and consists of 16 partners from 8 European countries, representing research, practitioners, governmental agencies and business. Within…

The Directors General for the Civil Protection in the Baltic Sea Region held their 15th meeting, which took place in Iceland on 11 May 2017. The meeting, chaired by Hjálmar Björgvinsson, Superintendent at the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police, resulted in an adoption of a historic Joint Position on Enhancing Cooperation in Civil Protection…

The project started off with the question “Do we have the capability/capabilities needed to deal with the risks we are currently facing?.”
Final report on national capability assessments and risk assessments is published together with a survey among all project partners. This report gives an overview of relevant aspects of the civil protection systems involved, differences and…

The partners of the flagship project From Gaps to Caps: Risk Management Capacity Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR, had its third project seminar in Hamburg with a presentation on MSB guidance on scenario analysis and a workshop understanding how emergency response capability can be assessed in the Baltic Sea Region in June 2016.

On 19 February 2016, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm, together with the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of the Republic of Poland (KGSP) and the CBSS Secretariat, co-hosted a seminar focusing on the BLP and future development of the leadership programme. The way ahead, after the end of financial…