46 days/419 hours of special training, the combination of practice and theory with emphasis on practical field exercises has delivered 30 new CBRN Security Managers to Europe! This is the result of the SE-CBRN-URE project funded by the Internal Security Fund (EC DG HOME). "We have educated a group of highly specialised CBRN Security Managers,"…
The CBRNE stakeholders meeting is organised by MSB (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency) twice a year for all actors in Sweden, dealing with CBRNE (hazardous materials) issues. This was the second appearance of the CBSS Secretariat’s Civil Security team at the meeting. In August 2018, Project Officer Nina Jernberg presented EUSBSR PA Secure work and the…
PA Secure presents a report, which maps out actors, responsible for CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives) related emergencies management and strategic objectives of such management in the Baltic Sea Region. Strengthening the cross-sectoral cooperation in terms of CBRNE preparedness in the Baltic Sea Region is one of the prioritised strategic actions in the Joint…