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Baltic-Nordic Preparatory Teleconference Ahead of the Wildfire Season

Еhe forest fire season is already here, there are several reported grass and wildfires across northern Europe. Forecasts indicate challenging conditions and the ongoing Covid-19 crises puts further pressure on our respective response systems. On April 21, 2020, Sweden (through MSB) organized the second Baltic-Nordic annual meeting to inform each other on the preparedness for…

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Evidence-based practice in fire safety: international workshop in Karlstad

Over two days, 30 participants from eight countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Germany) gathered in a workshop in Karlstad to encourage the development of evidence-based practice in the area of fire safety. During the Baltic Sea Director General meeting in May 2018, Sweden took the initiative to start a collaboration within Evidence-Based…

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16th Meeting of Directors General for the Civil Protection in BSR: advancing together  implementation of the Joint Position and the Sendai Framework

On 7 May 2018, the 16th meeting of the Directors General for Civil Protection in the Baltic Sea Region gathered in Stockholm. The meeting, attended by the representatives of 9 CBSS countries, was organised by the Swedish Presidency and chaired by Dan Eliasson, Director General of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). Opening the meeting,…

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From local to European level, focus on the new rescEU proposal

European Civil Protection Forum 2018,   the largest event on European civil protection cooperation took place on 5-6 March, in Brussels, Belgium. The Forum was organised by the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department (ECHO) and brought together stakeholders from across Europe to discuss achievements in disaster risk management, share ideas…

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CIVIL PROTECTION FORUM 2018: INTERVIEW WITH Mitja Bricelj, State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia

In preparation for our session “Transnational cooperation for effective disaster risk management” at the European Civil Protection Forum 2018 we asked one of the panelists, Mitja Bricelj, State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia:  "In your opinion, how does an EU macro-regional strategy, as a platform, contribute to increased resilience of communities?" "Based on experiences…

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In preparation for our session “Transnational cooperation for effective disaster risk management” at the European Civil Protection Forum 2018 we asked Karolina Kalinowska, Policy Officer at the European Commission's DG ECHO, who helped us with the organisation of the panel: "How can the macro-regional strategies contribute to the implementation of the EU Sendai Action Plan and vice-versa? How…

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