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New Flagship Project: FROM GAPS TO CAPS
We are proud to announce that in January 2015 the project Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR, in brief: FROM GAPS TO CAPS started as a follow-up project of 14.3. Under the coordination of the Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (TASK A Leader), FROM…
The Baltic Leadership Programme for Future Decision Makers
During the first week of December 2014, the Swedish Institute – in collaboration with the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) - invited 25 high-level professionals from the field of Civil Protection to the Baltic Leadership Programme in Civil Protection for Future Decision Makers in Tallinn. The participants, representing all CBSS Member States, spent four…
ClimUrban: Project methodology
ClimUrban will consist of several activities that will lead to the integrative development of local adaptation policies and plans by the end of the project. An important aspect of the project is that good governance (including public participation and communication) and scientific expertise shall go hand in hand in developing and implementing adaptation measures at…
ClimUrban addressing ground water flooding
What is the aim of ClimUrban?
Climate adaptation is often guided via a top-down approach by the EU and national legislation. However, adaptation action mainly occurs on the local level. There is still a lack of adaptation strategies and policies at the local (municipal or regional) level in the Baltic Sea Region – as also stated by the BSR Action Plan…