For the second Seminar of Task C & D, the partners of the flagship project From Gaps to Caps gathered in Tallinn. Since their last meeting in May, the task leaders had collected information on the respective methods of capability assessment in the different countries, as well as evaluations of exercises and emergencies. With these large amounts of data, three days of intensive working took place: we discussed the content of a draft report on national capability and risk assessments, analysed the applicability of the EU Guidelines on risk management capability and decided on further steps ahead.
Additionally it was finally time for the team of Task B on Publicity to launch the project website. Marie von Stauffenberg from the Media & Communciations Unit of the Council of the Baltic Sea States presented the homepage, which went live in the week before the meeting. Developing over time with the project, the website will become a platform for updates, publications and project material.
More images of the meeting can be found here.