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From Gaps to Caps Kick-Off Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland

The first meeting with all project partners of the EUSBSR flagship project From Gaps to Caps took place in the last week of March in Iceland, Reykjavik.

The two days spent in Iceland’s stunning winter surroundings were dedicated to setting the tone for the two year project. All task leaders and their respective teams presented their workplans and working methods. Gudmundur Arni Stefansson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iceland and CBSS CSO Delegate to Iceland, opened the meeting, followed by introductory words by Juris Targonskas, representing the Project Lead Partner, Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania. The next project meeting will take place in Riga in May.


Pictures of the meeting can be found here.

All presentations:

Task A – Neringa Brogaite-Karveliene, Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania

Task B – Anthony Jay, Council of the Baltic Sea States

Task C – Björn Karlsson, University of Iceland

Task C – Soley Kadal, University of Iceland

Task C Further Steps – Björn Karlsson, University of Iceland

Task D Kick Off – Marko Florek, Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service

Task D Overview – Marko Florek, Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service

Capability Assessment, The Swedish Experience – Maria Wahlberg, MSB

EU Guidelines – Tone Bergan, DSB