PA Secure will be organising two meetings back-to-back with the 4th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR. Both meetings touch upon important, but perhaps not widely discussed, themes relevant to the macro-regional policy frameworks on cooperation- gender and cross-sectoral cross-border cooperation. These are themes that lie at the core of our region’s aims for prosperity and need to be addressed if the Baltic Sea region’s civil security cooperation is to reach its full potential.
At the first meeting we will tackle gender mainstreaming and gender balancing in a panel discussion entitled Women in Civil Protection: Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming – Towards Prosperity in the Baltic Sea Region. The Case of Civil Security.
Gender equality is mentioned in EUSBSR policy documents as an essential part of a successful Baltic Sea region, yet there is no horizontal action specifically targeting gender mainstreaming and gender balancing. With this event we want to do our part to fill this gap and kick off the discourse of gender mainstreaming within civil protection. We aim to define the focus point of the issue, propose urgent actions and capitalise on inclusion in policy making processes and recognition of the relevance, importance, and impact of the gender mainstreaming perspective on the overall prosperity in various fields.
Panellists are Helena Lindberg, Director General of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency; Tatjana Milkamanovic, from the Lithuanian State Fire and Rescue Service; and Tiina Peltola-Lampi, from the Ministry of Interior of Finland. In addition to our three speakers we will have comments from Alyson J.K. Bailes, visiting professor of the University of Iceland.
The panel discussion will be moderated by Svante Werger of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.
Date: 10.00 – 11.30 on 11 November 2013