Based on an extensive expert analysis of the situation in the region and consultations among all member states, the Directors General for Civil Protection in the Baltic Sea Region adopted the Joint Position on Enhancing Cooperation in the Civil Protection Area at their 15th meeting in Iceland on 11 May 2017. It outlines prioritised areas in need of increased cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region to strengthen resilience and preparedness for various types of risks and threats:
- Building a common societal security culture. Building common attitudes towards societal security threats and creating a shared understanding of prevention, preparedness, and response as well as recovery processes in connection with disasters.
- Combining national efforts in implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction – making countries, regions, cities and towns ready for the consequences of climate change.
- Strengthening cross-sectorial cooperation in CBRNE preparedness (Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear, Explosive hazardous substances) – protecting the Baltic Sea Region from dirty bombs, chemical leaks and radiation.
- Increasing involvement of the local authorities and civil society organisations in making the region safer – when a crisis strikes we need all hands on deck.
- Initiating projects as platforms for innovation and cooperation.
- Supporting mutually beneficial interaction between research and practitioners.
- Developing demand-driven and well-tailored training and education for civil security professionals – creating courses where firefighters, police and rescue specialists from the whole region can learn and meet each other.