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PA Secure meets hazardous substances (CBRNE) experts in Sweden to facilitate cooperation in BSR

An initiative focusing on increased cooperation around issues concerning CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) substances and hazards in the Baltic Sea Region started in June 2017, under the umbrella of the project STAC-CBRNE – Strengthening the Transnational Capacity of the Management of CBRNE agents related Emergencies, funded by the Swedish institue’s Seed Funding Facility. The aim is to facilate a process where the operational management can be strengthened, with emphasis on areas that would benefit of being adressed in a transnational setting.

On 23 August, the CBSS Secretariat’s Civil Security/PA Secure team, the coordinators of the STAC-CBRNE project, took part in a meeting of CBRNE-related actors in Sweden to gain a better understanding of the BSR common needs and challenges.

The meeting was organised by the MSB, Swedish Contingencies Agency, responsible for the CBRNE strategy in Sweden. Niklas Andén introduced the seven prioritised areas in the strategy: I. disaster medicine; II. assessment of the level of protection; III. cooperation; IV. demands for operational CBRNE capacity; V. “The known unknown”; VI. important messages  to the public; VII. analysis of micro-organisms; VIII. border control of hazardous substances and; IX. experts and key functions. Mr Andrén also emphasised that “accidents have to be prevented, but we also have to be able to manage them if they strike”. Thereafter were several projects in the CBRNE area – funded by MSB’s 2:4 programme – introduced.

Link to the event on MSB website (in Swedish)

The STAC-CBRNE project will continue until the summer of 2018, and if you are interested in the project, please contact Mr Jacek Paszkowski ( or Ms Nina Jernberg (