On January 25-26, 2021, a study visit at the Volunteer Fire Brigades (VFB) in Poland was organised within the CBSS PSF funded project “Development of volunteer fire brigade system activation.” Due to the current epidemiological situation, the meeting was held in the form of webinars. The webinars were attended by the representatives of the Volunteer Fire Brigades from Poland, Germany, Belarus and Lithuania. The purpose of the meeting was to present the principles of rescue activities, structure and other information of VFB in Poland to partners from Belarus and Lithuania. They were also presented with the prinicples and functions of the Youth Fire Team of Polish VFB and information about VFB in Germany. As part of the implementation of the project, model VFB units will be established in Belarus and in Lithuania.
About the project:
CBSS Priority: Regional Identity, Safe & Secure Region
Project leader: Association of Volunteer Fire Brigades of Republic of Poland (VFB)
Participating countries: Poland, Lithuania, Belarus
In Poland, National Rescue and Firefighting System consists of the State Fire Service and the Volunteer Fire Service, which significantly supports the operation of professional units. There are state fire brigades in Lithuania and Belarus, but volunteers are not organized yet. It is proposed to create a system of volunteer fire brigades in these countries. This would significantly strengthen the security system. The participation of Poland, Lithuania and Belarus in this project is a sign of common concern about our security. Safety of each country, as well as strengthening response in case of threats of a cross-border accident is an important problem for the neighbour countries. The main task of the project is creating a model of Voluntary Fire and Rescue Units in Lithuania and Belarus. Poland will share its experience in terms of organization as well as training and education of the young people. Project contractors set themselves the task of building a fire station and delivering a fire truck. An important element of the project will also be to activate young people by creating a youth fire team.