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PA Secure at 12th Baltic Excellence Programme in Helsinki
The CBSS Civil Protection Network's 12th Baltic Excellence Programme (BEP) in Helsinki brought together 40 civil protection experts from 8 countries across the region to delve into topics of preparedness, civil protection, and comprehensive security. Hosted by the Ministry of the Interior of Finland under the current Finnish presidency of the CBSS, the 12th Baltic Excellence Programme (BEP)…
Secure Kids Releases Overview on Youth Involvement in Disaster Risk Reduction in the BSR
The CBSS-coordinated Secure Kids project has produced the mapping report titled "Existing mechanisms and processes for child and youth participation in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden". The purpose of the mapping was  to offer an up-todate overview of mechanisms and practices that exist in the Baltic Sea Region to…
PA Secure at 2023 EU Week of Regions
PA Secure at EU Week of Regions CBSS Adviser Andriy Martynenko spoke on behalf PA Secure about BSR cooperation in civil security at the workshop ‘Building resilience across borders: Strengthening regional disaster risk and crisis management’ during 2023 European Week of Regions and Cities  in Brussels. The workshop, moderated by the Commission discussed how border regions in the…
Strengthening links between Danube and Baltic macro-regions: volunteerism in focus
PA Secure already had an experience working together with colleagues from EUSDR, EUSAIR and EUSALP already in 2018 - when all four macro-regional strategies contributed to a session at the EU Civil Protection Forum in Brussels. The session was called Transnational cooperation for effective disaster risk management and focused mostly on environmental risks. In February…