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Strengthening links between Danube and Baltic macro-regions: volunteerism in focus
PA Secure already had an experience working together with colleagues from EUSDR, EUSAIR and EUSALP already in 2018 - when all four macro-regional strategies contributed to a session at the EU Civil Protection Forum in Brussels. The session was called Transnational cooperation for effective disaster risk management and focused mostly on environmental risks. In February…
BALTinnoSEC Pilot Forum in Warsaw
The pilot BALTinnoSEC Forum was organised in Warsaw on 27 January 2023 at the Main School of Fire Service. The forum gathered 75 participants from all BSR countries with the majority of participants coming from Poland. Three panels were organised: on influx of migrants, CBRN and natural disasters with focus on crisis and risk communication. The…
17th PA Secure Steering Group meeting
On 1 June 2022 the Policy Area Secure Steering Group met physically for the first time since 2019. The meeting, hosted by the Norwegian DSB in Oslo included participants from eight Member States in the region. The members expressed the need to go deeper into certain civil security issues in the next Steering Group meetings in order to maximise the…