This paper was commissioned by Policy Area Secure (PA Secure) within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), and authored by Professor Jerzy Wolanin from Main School of Fire Service, Warsaw, with contributions and editing provided by the PA Secure Team at the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Secretariat.
The paper presents a comprehensive set of recommendations regarding the implementation of a common societal security paradigm and a ‘common security culture’, as a base for facilitating collaboration on civil security issues in the Baltic Sea Region. The report constitutes a theoretical foundation and a background for understanding of the recommended actions within PA Secure. However, this theoretical undertaking is interlinked with another process within PA Secure; the formulation of a ‘Joint Position on Enhancing Cooperation in Civil Protection Area’, adopted by the 15th meeting of Directors General in Civil Protection in the Baltic Sea Region, and its annex: the Action Plan suggesting concrete areas for enhanced cooperation – these documents should be understood as complementary to each other.