Expert Group on Nuclear Radiation Safety (EGNRS) gathered at the CBSS Secretariat for its regular meeting on 30-31 of January 2017. Among the topics discussed by the experts from Russia, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden were recent developments in the field of nuclear safety in each country as well as opportunities for future possible cooperation. Special attention was paid to optimising the information exchange between national agencies, streamlining decision making processes in times of crisis, harmonisation with Euratom and IAEA requirements and cooperation on different levels: from agencies to laboratory.
To intensify knowledge exchange between the countries German Federal Office for Radiation Protection proposed to organise a workshop on ELAN-E system (Electronic Situation Display for the Emergency Management) for other CBSS member states and Sweden’s MSB suggested to include EGNRS as observers for a planned exercise to test international cooperation mechanism in case of an accident at a nuclear power plant. CBSS secretariat shared information on financing opportunities using Project Support Facility (PSF) as well as other financing instruments such as Interreg and Horizon 2020.